American Collegiate

Start Here, Succeed Anywhere.Access to Top-100 and Other Elite Universities
Start at a world-class university
Acclimate to life in the U.S.
Adapt to U.S. university culture
Identify a major and transfer destination
Transfer with confidence
American Collegiate Program Highlights:
100% transfer!
90% admitted to a top 100 ranked school
Average GPA: 3.47
67% in Advanced Track
60% transfer to American University
Aspire to enroll at a great institution
Identify major
Identify Best Fit Schools
Build Strong Academic Record
Gap Year
Improve English and/or GPA
Familiarization with US Educational System
Diverse international student body with 31 countries represented to date
Azerbaijan, Benin, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam
Sample Curriculum: First Year Track
Term 1
Live, Learn, Grow (not count toward GPA)
ELTA 160: Culture of Higher Education in the US
ELTA 101: Academic Writing Skills
ELTA 100: Media and Culture
One major or general elective course
One Math course
15 Transferable credits
Term 2
Live, Learn, Grow (not count toward GPA)
SUSU 130: Intercultural Understanding
WRTG 100: College Writing
Major/elective course*
Major/elective course*
Major/elective course*
15 Transferable credits
*options include laboratory science, economics, fine arts, etc.
ACDC Housing –WISH Woodley Park
Fully-furnished apartments with utilities included
3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 or 2 students per bedroom
Located 2 blocks from the Woodley Park/Adams Morgan Metro station (about 25-minute commute to campus)
Close to museums, restaurants and many attractions
Global Resident Advisors
Bi-weekly housekeeping services
Units are gender-separated
Transfer advising activities include:
Pre-arrival Advising Sessions
Live, Learn, Grow
One-on-one advising sessions
Major Matcher
App Tracker
Tutoring services
Academic tutoring
SAT prep
TOEFL prep
Writing a personal statement
Signature Student Events
Georgian Experience
College fair participation
University presentations at ACDC
Transfer Advising Process
Identify and Research
Discuss/ identify 5-10 potential transfer institutions
Review of choices and start of College App Tracker
Connect and Assess
Report on: Connecting with Admissions team and/or Faculty
Research Student body, Campus, culture events
Identify Research and Confirm
Finalize 5-10 determined Transfer institutions
Review App Tracker
Plan, timeline, and prepare
Submit APP tracker with finalized destinations
Review app timeline
Submit writing draft
Complete and Submit
Complete applications
Request supplemental documents
Confirm recommendations completed
Submit final app tracker with applied universities and decision timelines.
Attend post-completion workshop
Communicate all decisions.
Complete post-completion checklist
Transfer Results
Transfer Results: United States
Students admitted to prestigious colleges and universities
#21 Emory University
#22 University of Southern California
#30 New York University
#42 Boston University
#46 University of Illinois
#53 University of Miami
#56 Purdue University
#63 The George Washinton University
#77 American University
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